Sitting at London Heathrow airport paying for expensive internet use .. but what is a girl to do with this 5 hour layover right?! My second 5 hour layover.. the first one was back at JNB.
Memory is 11 years old. She was the most eager of the kids for classroom time with me. We started with additions/subtractions but by the end of the week.. I had her memorizing a times table I mocked up for her (identical to the one my mom use to make me study) and unscrambling words. We also made it a nightly thing that we read together after dinner.
Kate is a friend of Memory's who wanted to join in the fun during the middle of the week. The most fun was seeing their competitive spirits come out when I gave them timed mass competitions and spelling contests!
Anna... 9 years old and the sweetest little girl you will ever meet! Everyday when she saw me, she'd run up and bear hugged my legs!
Alice.. special 11 year old who asked if I had a baby at home and after telling her I didn't... she asked me to take her. Broken my heart lucky to have spent time with her. By the end of the week, I had her writing sentences about herself with the notebook and colored pencils I bought her in town.
Veronica... goofy goofy goofy!! I often had to tap my pen on her head and point at her paper to re-focus her attention. Giggles all the time.. goofy!! The way she counts with her fingers AND her toes in front of me will always make me laugh!
Maryamm..probably the most quiet of the girls and I never quite figured out her interest level.
Agness- the most mature of the girls and very bright when she wanted to be. She is probably the most advanced in terms of the classroom. I will miss how she'd unexpectedly would come lay her head on my shoulder..warm hearted. I almost felt bad for answering "yes" when she asked if I got to see my mom whenever I wanted.
Mary... 10 years old and always a big smile on her face. The look on her face when she realizes that she messed up a problem is something I wished I caught on camera!! Goofy too!
I will miss my daily routine of 7am mass, 7:30 breakfast, 8am hanging out in the nursery stopping Salome and Christine from biting each other, 9:30am start of classes, noon lunch, afternoon continuation of classes, 6pm dinner and then reading time.
I wished I had more time at Kasisi yet I feel like no amount of time would be enough.. so much to share there! I left feeling extremely fortunate that Sister Mariola took me in for the holidays and told me that I will have always have a home there. 7km from the airport, in the outskirts of a busy Zambian town called Lusaka, is a special place in the middle of nowhere named Kasisi. What a special group of people they are!
Agness- the most mature of the girls and very bright when she wanted to be. She is probably the most advanced in terms of the classroom. I will miss how she'd unexpectedly would come lay her head on my shoulder..warm hearted. I almost felt bad for answering "yes" when she asked if I got to see my mom whenever I wanted.
I will miss my daily routine of 7am mass, 7:30 breakfast, 8am hanging out in the nursery stopping Salome and Christine from biting each other, 9:30am start of classes, noon lunch, afternoon continuation of classes, 6pm dinner and then reading time.
I wished I had more time at Kasisi yet I feel like no amount of time would be enough.. so much to share there! I left feeling extremely fortunate that Sister Mariola took me in for the holidays and told me that I will have always have a home there. 7km from the airport, in the outskirts of a busy Zambian town called Lusaka, is a special place in the middle of nowhere named Kasisi. What a special group of people they are!
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