My days here were spent lying on hammocks, reading, just being, in conversations about sports, motor taxi'ing to waterfalls and in one case walking to one with Alec and his two friends (Gautier and Guilluam) from France. It's always fun to see familiar faces again when traveling like this. I bumped into them in town while sesrching for a lunch spot with Sandrine (who met at Cabo de la Vela). They decided to come to Minca for a day before their journey to Punta Gallinas. While how Alec ended up on crutches (refer to previous blog post) was not impressive, watching him hop on one foot over barely a bamboo bridge was when we visited a small waterfall.
Oscar's is a special place and it's truly been home for me the past few days. It's been Oscar's home for the last 15 years, he is originally from LA and is a mean chess and backgammon player. There isn't much advertising for this place because Oscar wants to keep it word of mouth and limited only to those who really want to find it. He provides meals, makes a comforting cup of chai from scratch and an awesome outdoor shower. Seriously, the best outdoor shower with a view of the Sierra Nevadas! By day 2, I learned that warm water is powered by the solar panel he has set up so ...sunshine means shower now! There is no internet available at Oscar's or much of anywhere in Minca. During my 15 minute trek, there were only two signs that directed you, you definitely had to have faith that you were going the right way! He is continuing to build the place out and in a few years, this place may even have a zip line, in which case Oscar said he will let me know so I can come back and check it out. I highly recommend that for anyone making the trip to Colombia to consider Minca and if you're in Minca, there isn't a better place to stay than Oscar's.
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